A Will is a form of legal deed whereby a Person entitled to the possession or use of one or more items of property, may direct in writing how such rights and property are to be managed or disposed of in the event of their incapacity or death. Hence a “living Will” is an essential component to properly forming an Enduring Attorney Powers or Guardian Powers in the event of major physical or mental incapacity, whereas a “last Will” is more commonly seen as essential for nominating beneficiaries of our Estate upon our death.
Getting your Will completed correctly is an essential component to our overall estate and life planning. It is not something recommended as a “do-it-yourself” twenty minute set of forms over the internet. Instead, it requires careful consideration, planning and inputs.
Once we accept a new client, we seek to work with them and their trusted professional advisers (financial planners, accountants and lawyers) to ensure all aspects of their Will is in order.